Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I am now 14.5 weeks pregnant and feeling exhausted but no longer morning sick very often. We have been enjoying the crisp, fall weather by looking at fun leaves, playing outside with my parents' puppies and my favorite - dressing Aaron in sweater vests :). When it is too cold outdoors we find fun indoor things like coloring, playing with friends and cousins and occasionally riding the scooters and trikes at Toys R Us. Aaron has carefully watches his aunt Selena rise her scooter so he tries to mimic the foot movement but he still can't get them to go. We have also been enjoying lots of soup to keep us warm! I enjoy the fresh fall air and hope we can continue to play outdoors for a little while longer without the excessive winter gear :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

2 Weeks!

Hey everyone. Hope you are doing well and you are loving your knew thinner healthier bodies! I know I am. So, the spreadsheet is updated with days of the week so get on and put in your numbers for the last two weeks. As you can see with my numbers I have been struggling a bit lately but hope to pick things up a little this week.
It has been decided that the scripture reading will be adjusted to daily scripture reading with no time limit. Probably more than one verse if we're being honest, but we don't have to be 20 minute nazis. Hope this helps. Keep up the good work and remember to write Ben every week to get a free exercise day. Love you guys.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How's It Goin?

Hey everybody! Just checking in to see how everyone's first few days of the health challenge are going? We are doing great. Here are a few things I have noticed about myself;

-I have to be REALLY deliberate about the 2 veggies thing. Not a problem with fruit, but I have had to make sure that I incorporate 2 servings of veggies into our meals.

-We read scriptures together every night, but I've realized that reading 20 minutes is more than it sounds and hard to do at the end of the day when I am tired. Today I decided to break it up into 10 min during Aaron's nap and 10 min in the evening.

-What kinds of workouts are you guys doing? Jon is biking 1.5 hours a day! (Up to campus, down to the Provo Riverwoods and back home after work). I like going to the gym and doing the eliptical, taking Aaron out in the joggin stroller or doing a yoga movie or class at Gold's. I also like Jillian Michael's 30-shred although it's only 20 minutes.

Well, I hope everyone is great. Leave a comment or write a post of your own.

p.s. Can anyone tell me how to find individual days in the google doc?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Let's get it started!

It is time for the Graff family to get in shape. We are starting a health challenge and we want all of you to join us and take the challenge. There will be a 10 dollar "donation" that will be divied up among the champions. Here is what the challenge will look like. We welcome any advice on changes that should be made to it.

For the next 12 weeks you will receive 1 point for each of the following 10 categories per day. They are as follows
1. Eat 2 veggies
2. Eat 2 fruits
3. Drink 48oz of water
4. Work out for 30 mins (Sunday is a free day) or once during the week you can write Ben instead of working out
5. Sleep 7 hours
6. No food after 8pm (exception for days you work after 8pm)
7. Read scriptures for 20 mins a day
8. No fatty fast foods
9. Only 1 serving of sweets/salty snacks
10. Tell someone you love them or do a kind act of service

It may look daunting, but it is actually a lot easier than you think. Once you get started you will realize how unhealthy your daily habits actually are, maybe not Aubrey. The prizes at the end will be distributed as follows

1st place gets 40% of the pot
2nd place gets 30%
3rd place will be a random drawing from all participants who have at least 60 points per week to receive the remaining 30%

So even if you miss a day there is no reason to quit. In the end you will have at least a couple of these as habits and it will all be worth it. With the passing of Grandma Graff and the early death of Grandpa Smith we Graff's have more need to be healthy than the non Graff's.

This blog will be available to everyone to make comments, posts, and just get a good group support set up. I love you all and don't want you to die so do this!! Good luck.